Everybody in our school has an important role to play in keeping us all safe. This includes:

  • Making sure we all act in a safe way and following the behaviour policy at all times.
  • Looking out for unsafe things / situations and telling an adult straight away if you spot something that is not safe.
  • Talking with our year team about how we can keep safe when we go on trips out of school.
  • Taking part in our annual safety assemblies.
  • Making sure we think about keeping safe when we are out of school at the evening, weekends and during holidays.

What should I do if I spot something that is not safe in school?

  • If you feel unsafe in school the first thing to do is to find an adult and tell them immediately so that they can make the situation safer for you.
  • If you spot something around school that isn’t safe such as a broken bench or a damaged piece of furniture you can report this to the office and they will ask the Site Manager to fix it.

In the summer months it is essential that we all stay sun-safe. Getting sub-burnt is not only painful for a few days but it can cause long term harm to your health if it happens to you regularly.
To stay sun-safe in school we:

  • Put sunscreen on before we come to school.
  • Wear hats when we are outdoors.
  • Find shaded areas if we are starting to feel too hot.
  • Bring water bottles into school that we can take outside during PE and games lessons.
  • Remember to drink water regularly to stay well hydrated.


Keeping safe during a pandemic - check out our school videos and social story below

Click on the link below to see our school social story about returning to school

Click to download