Mental Health Awareness Week is the 10th -16th May 2021. The theme this year is Nature. Read more here.
Here at Alver Valley Schools we promote wellbeing and positive mental health in a number of ways all year round, and we thought we would take this opportunity to share some of those with you here!
Whole School Community Level
Many of our whole school assemblies have a focus on wellbeing or aspects that support Positive Mental Health. For example, the assembly series on emotions using the book An Emotional Menagerie Feelings A-Z, published by the School of Life, and used with permission – you will find some examples on our school YouTube Channel or view part 1.
The Six Strands Learning Behaviours Curriculum provides children and adults with a clear, positive framework for developing the key values of Respect, Resilience, Focus, Self-Regulation, Boundaries and Independence, and as such support wellbeing. The Curriculum Targets are written as ‘I can’ age-appropriate statements for Nursery, Year R, KS1 and KS2. At Alver Valley Schools these learning behaviours have become the values for our whole community and the strands are reflected in our school logo.
The 5 Ways to Wellbeing forms part of our Personal Development Curriculum – we find out more about the 5 Ways to Wellbeing in assemblies and whole school initiatives. Read more about how we developed our Personal Development Curriculum and watch the introduction videos and accompanying activity sheets to the 5 Ways of Wellbeing here: Connect, Take Notice, Keep Learning, Be Active, and Give.
Also, many of our whole school initiatives are picked carefully to play a part in developing healthy habits that support wellbeing, linking closely with the 5 Ways to Wellbeing, such as: Look Closely, Nature Pictures, our Growing Activities and involvement in the RHS Grow Social, Walk to School and Walk with Wheels Week, and our work towards Artsmark, including our Creative Hub,
Groups and Year Group Provision
We have a Forest School provision, and all Nursery and Year R children take part in regular sessions.
We offer a range of after school clubs which support wellbeing – including a range of sports-based, arts-based, gardening, cooking, music, and forest school clubs.
Our School Councils for the Infant and Junior Schools engage with a range of projects towards wellbeing and also connection with our local community. They link back to their classes and share their peers’ views, championing wellbeing and positive change.
Our Young Carers groups provide regular connection opportunities and support for pupils.
Troopers Club for our service family children.
Thrive Approach which support social and emotional development.
Transition projects, for children starting school or moving on within our school or to another setting, support pupils during those times of change to promote the building of relationships and wellbeing. For example, read about our transition project for those starting year R in lockdown.
In School Additional Support
Much of our additional support is coordinated by our SEND team. They have launched a number of new approaches and initiatives to support children and families, such as anxiety workshops and sensory circuits. You can read more about SEND provision at Alver Valley Schools here.
We offer lunch clubs for some children needing additional support at this time.
Thrive Groups ensure additional support around social and emotional development where appropriate.
Forest School sessions for specific identified groups.
ASD skill development and support group for children who have a diagnosis and are aware of this (only offered in consultation with parents).
Work with other agencies such as:
- School nursing team
- Mental Health Team
- EP service