Enhancing Sustained Shared Thinking within Early Years settings through action research

In September 2022 following a successful bid for funds the early years team of Alver Valley Schools embarked on an 18 month project to improve outcomes for children with SEND through improving EY provision with other local providers including schools, nurseries and pre schools. Below is a case study of the project. Project Title: Alver

 Alver Valley Schools Autism Awareness

Project Title: Alver Valley Schools Autism Awareness   Project Summary  In September 2022 following a successful bid for funds the SEN team at Alver Valley Schools embarked on an 18 month project to improve outcomes for children with SEND.  Context  The project was designed to support a number of local schools who had high suspension rates

Problem Solving at Alver Valley Schools

Problem Solving at Alver Valley Schools an insight from Jade our Maths Lead As part of our School Improvement Plan (SIP) this year, we are focusing on problem solving in maths. Following discussions at Maths Core Provision, it was clear that this is a wider focus for many schools across the county and probably across