Supporting Service Families

Mrs Kitcher leads our support for Service Families at Alver Valley Schools. As part of the provision she runs an after school club where children can meet together and take part in a wide variety of activities.
Every year, working alongside Mrs Roseblade, she co-ordinates our Remembrance assembly. We invite serving members of the armed forces to join us for this special act of remembrance.
To make contact regarding Alver Valley Troopers please email: [email protected]


Service Families – Additional Funding
The Service Pupil Premium (SPP) is provided by the Department for Education to enable schools to offer additional, mainly pastoral, support during challenging times and to help mitigate the negative impact on Service children of family mobility or parental deployment.
At Alver Valley Schools we invest this money into our Troopers Club and our Pupil and Family Support programmes.
Schools with Service children are eligible to receive SPP, but only if the child’s name appears on the school roll as being a Service child.
The annual census takes place in January every year and children must be registered with the school before this date to qualify.
Service parents are encouraged to contact us to make sure we are aware their children are from a Service family so we can add this information to the census.
For more information on eligibility, please see the link below:

Remembrance Assembly 2021